You should dump the man named Trump,
Make him jump in the nearest sump.
When he's on the stump and starts to pump
The heart goes bump and spirits slump.
You echo the words that rhyme with trump
Like hump and rump and then there's frump
Which he calls a woman to prove that she
Was too ugly to touch lasciviously.
Of his bit of crumpet he will trumpet
But no he never, said it ever,
And never since school was he such a fool
As to take a look at a history book
And how can a man as rich as he
Be guilty of crass stupidity?
If the light turns grey on polling day
His finger on a button will prove how tough
He can be. If Putin plays rough
There will be more than a puff
Clearly to be seen on the Trump smokescreen.
On the west horizon none to advise on
Quite what it meant to be President.
Does being a thug enhance the reputation
Of a potential saviour of the American nation?
This liar with a short attention span
Welcome to Neanderthal - or Piltdown Man?
One fraudulent step from the jungle he
With a brain the size of a chimpanzee
Or an orangutang who appeals to a gang
Of macho men. No? You tell me
How this man's fate made him candidate
For the presidency of a democracy.
We await the close election date
With ever-increasing anxiety.
As Trump gathers steam in his roseate dream
We're getting a dose of American gyps
At the thought of a coming apocalypse
He's like that highroller on a winning streak
In a Trump casino who made Trump freak
Out at the news – he didn't find it funny
The man's making off with my well-earned money.
And can anyone think the world goes well
If he moves out of his Vegas hotel
And America lets loose a hubristic louse
To crawl into an off-White House?
His casino has dealt us a very bad deal.
And we struggle hard to find it real.
No doubt he'll shrug, this arrogant thug,
If he sees on Page One his caricatured mug
(What's quite absurd's he'd think these words
Make him a splendid publicist.)
You can see by the way he thumps his fist
We know he's a malignant narcissist.
©Terry Hodgson2020
