Dawn knocking woke up Troilus,
Time bundled up his Cressida,
the leaving was not easy,
yet to Time he had to leave her.
No twin trumpets sounded
a cleaving silver blow
as soldiers laced their boots up.
at Thomas’s Cockcrow.
Said Ulysses to Achilles:
fame is trodden down
by tramping ranks that follow
the martial tread of Time.
In the Great War, Stoppard’s soldier,
asked Joyce, what did you do?
I wrote Ulysses, he said.
What did you?
Bottom woke remember
to a vision quite untellable,
but in memory Titania,
kept an image detestable.
Helena at dawn and Hermia
found a lover’s true duality:
yet at evening mocked the love
of Pyramus and Thisbe.
Rosalind in daylight
sought a fool to make her merry
not the fictive melancholy
of Jacques’ chronology.
In twilight Pozzo lost his watch -
Was his well at level zero?
On a rope’s end exits Lucky.
Is Time un pozzo nero?
When one has fun, says Didi.
How time goes fast .
Gogo, feeling low remarks:
At any rate it passed.
Hamlet cracks a joke,
The jaw of Yorick drops.
What’s aught but as ‘tis valued?
So Troilus said to Hector,
When the knocking stops?
©Terry Hodgson2020